From left to right: Nidai Soke Andrew Riedner, Shodai Soke Clement G. Riedner, Nidai Soke Matthew Riedner
The Shiho Karano Kan is the Personal House of the Head Family of Nippon Shiho Karano Ryu®. Below is a list individuals who have trained directly with Head Family and/or are actively teaching one of the NSKR Ryu-Was. There are many more Dan and Shihan ranked individuals in NSKR who are not listed due to the fact they have fallen out of contact with Head Family. It must be clarified that Nippon Shiho Karano Ryu® is a vibrant, growing and developing Art. Individuals who received a Dan and especially a Shihan ranking several years ago would soon find themselves a bit lost if they were to return to the mat with our present Shihan. This is due to the ever increasing knowledge level of our actively training family members.
NSKR YudanshaBelow is a listing of active Black Belts who have an earned Yondan rank (4th Dan) or higher in one of the four Ryu-Was including Ba Men Chaun Fa (formerly Aka Ryu Shakai Kenpo).
Scott Sikes 9th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 8th Dan Kenpo Jitsu, 5th Dan Karate, 5th Dan Kobudo Gary Stempien 7th Dan Ju-Jitsu Jim Volant 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu Dennis Forleo 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu Chris Cazell 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu Brian Cunnings 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu Eric Freier 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu John Kulp 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu Dave Sgro 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu Andrew Stokes 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu Steve Voelker 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu Nathan Edwards 4th Dan Ju-Jitsu Jim Grenke 4th Dan Ju-Jitsu Ron Hagelganz 6th Dan Karate Tim Merriam 5th Dan Karate Andrew Colson 4th Dan Karate Tammi Neblock 4th Dan Karate Fernando Perez 4th Dan Karate Steve Collins 5th Dan Kenpo-Jitsu, 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 4th Dan Kenpo Karate Rick Greene 5th Dan Kenpo-Jitsu Loren Riddle 5th Dan Kenpo-Jitsu Jay Freet 5th Dan Kenpo-Jitsu, 5th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 5th Dan Ba Men Chaun Fa James Tuten Sifu Ba Men Chuan Fa Mike Martin 5th Dan Ba Men Chuan Fa (*Lineage Holder) |